Georgina Aspa · Books
Ya no / No longer

Ya no / No longer

80.00 - 100.00 — On sale

Libro de artista inspirado por la poesia de la escritora uruguaya Idea Vilariño.
Cada lápiz contriene un poema sobre el deseo y el encuentro erótico de los amantes y en la ristra que sale del sacapuntas hay el desgarrador poema Ya no, que representa una amarga despedida y el dolor que causa la ausencia del ser amado. Edición de 25 ejemplares hechos a mano, numerados y firmados.
Artist's book inspired by poems about desire and losing an impossible love. Poems of the Uruguayan writer Idea Vilariño.
Each of the four pencils contains a poem about the desire for the lover and the joy of being together. The poem can be read by turning the pencil, imitating the gesture we make when sharpening its point.
We sharpen the pencil and the sharpener produces a waste. In that residue we find the heartbreaking poem Ya no. Her verses are not a mere farewell, they go further, they are an awareness of what is not really going to happen between them, life together. And they are those questions that we ask ourselves, that torture us, and that will never get an answer.
Edition of 25 numbered and signed by the author.
If you would like it with your own selected poems or any text, please choose this option in the menu and contact me in order of doing it for you.

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